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  • You Aren’t Morally Superior For Doing It Alone

You Aren’t Morally Superior For Doing It Alone

This might ruffle some feathers…

Hey y’all. Today’s issue might ruffle some feathers. It’s also got some of the coolest gigs we’ve had yet.

Featured Opportunities

For more jobs like these, check out a full list here.

Dating coach and Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, Logan Ury, is looking for a social media manager 8 hours per week. Pay is set at $50 to $75/hour but is “open to negotiation.” 👀

We recently saw this TikTok, which shares a side hustle opportunity to be hired as a bridesmaid to attend a stranger’s wedding. Yep…it’s exactly as it sounds. The founder decided to publish a Craigslist listing for “bridesmaid for hire” services in 2014 and got hundreds of people interested, so she turned it into a company that allows other people to get hired as bridesmaids.

USA Today and The Tennessean are hiring for journalists to cover Taylor Swift and Beyonce – similarly to how journalists/reporters cover presidential candidates on the campaign trail. Pay is anywhere from $21.63 to $50.87 per hour

Want to see a specific type of work? Just let us know.

You Aren’t Morally Superior for Doing it Alone

I saw a video last week where a woman dove into this topic, and it 100% attacked me, so it might attack you too (in a good way). I wish I could find the original video, but I forgot to save it, and I can’t find the link, so I’ll do my best to convey what she said.

In America, there’s a massive pressure to do everything on our own. For whatever reason, we feel obligated to struggle our way to success alone, without asking for help once. Asking for help feels like we’re somehow admitting we can’t do it ourselves.

In other cultures, relying on one another is the norm. Need some sugar to finish that recipe? Ask your neighbor if they have it. Don’t understand something about your taxes? Call the local accountant and ask for help.

When I saw the video, I thought about how this connects back to business and money. I’ve been freelancing full-time for around two years and just hired my first contractor a couple months ago. While it’s embarrassing/sucky to admit, part of the reason I delayed hiring was because I thought it would look less admirable to build my business with help. I thought people would see that I hired someone and think my success was somehow less valid.

But what’s the alternative? Working 60 hour weeks to do the job of a full-time worker + a contractor all in one? Not being able to grow and expand in the way you want to because you can’t possibly handle everything on your own?

My first contractor helped me get more content out and not overthink editing. Worth every penny. And I’m just as successful as before.

Whether you own a business or not, this can apply to you.

Stop crying over taxes and hire the accountant to handle it for you. You are not morally superior for spending 15 hours in TurboTax DIYing your tax return.

Let go of the 50 hour weeks, and hire a VA to take admin tasks off your plate. You are not more successful because you worked yourself to the bone to build your business.

Stop criticizing the hell out of your portfolio and post it in a Facebook group for feedback. You are no less successful (and no less creative) because you need feedback to get it 100% right.

Helpful Resources

If you need to hire a VA, look on Upwork or Shepherd.

If you need to outsource taxes, consider Adam Nubern (the accountant I used when I was traveling a ton – he’s the best), Collective (if you have an S-Corp or want to register your business as one), or someone local to you.

If you need feedback on something to help you get out of your own way, my favorite Facebook groups are Freelancing Females, Female Freelance Writers, and Freelance Remote Jobs.

Ask the Sidepiece Team

A: Here’s 5 quick ideas:

You can also check out a massive list of side hustle opportunities on Side Hustle Stack.

Have a question you want answered by the Sidepiece team? Just reply to this email and send your question our way.

See ya next week,
