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  • Debt Audits, Quote of the Week, and Financial Journaling

Debt Audits, Quote of the Week, and Financial Journaling

The first issue of our Friday newsletter...


We’re in your inbox again this week…🤭 This is because we’re expanding Sidepiece into two issues per week! We’ve got an insane number of resources and tips to share, we couldn’t limit it to just once per week.

Every Friday, you’ll get an issue of FOMO Friday with resources we just can’t let you miss, including:

  • One action step you can take in 15 minutes or less to improve your work or money

  • A quote with a short discussion

  • A tool we’ve been loving

You’ll also get a list of gig opportunities, links/resources we’ve found throughout the week, and a chance to ask the Sidepiece team your money and work questions.

Okay. Now that we’ve got you up to speed, let’s dive into this week’s FOMO Friday.

Action Step: Debt Audits

When it comes to debt payoff, it’s crucial to know your numbers. If you haven't done a debt audit — the process of listing out your debts in one place — now is the time.

It takes less than 15 minutes to make a simple table like the one below in a Google Doc. You can even just list the information out in a note on your phone, or on a sticky note for all I care.

Just get your numbers on paper somewhere. Once you’re able to see everything in one place, you can make more strategic decisions about how you want to pay your debt off. It can also help you track your progress.

You can also plug your numbers into a debt payoff calculator, and it’ll tell you which debt makes sense to pay off first and how much you should contribute to each debt beyond the minimum payment.

Quote of the Week

I came across this quote from James Clear, the author of the well-known book Atomic Habits, over the weekend and I…was attacked.

I felt it was especially fitting for you, given that so much of what I share each week can land you in this thought process:

  • Do I need to learn more about investing, or am I not investing because I’m afraid?

  • Do I not know enough about launching that online business I’ve been meaning to? Or am I failing to start it because I’m scared of failing?

➡️ Be honest with yourself. Whatever it is that you’re holding off on, is it a lack of information or a fear of execution preventing you from moving forward?

Tool: I Will Teach You to Be Rich Journal

Ramit Sethi, author of the well-loved book I Will Teach You to Be Rich, launched a journal version of the book. It an incredible tool to implement in your money routine, and the exercises inside are killer. One of our team members used the book and said it was good for helping her get her financial priorities organized.

Links of the Week

Make Money

🧑🏽‍💻 Sign up for Pangea and Contra to find more freelance gigs.

📈 The September Surge is in full swing. Revise your resume, tweak your portfolio, and go ham applying to gigs.

💼 If you want feedback on your materials, snag one of our resume/portfolio teardowns before the calendar fills up.

Save Money

🏦 If you’re worried about affording your monthly payment, look into the new SAVE plan ASAP.

💸 Log into your student loan servicer’s account and turn autopay on.

Featured Opportunities

More gigs! For more jobs like these, check out a full list here.

Billo is an app that connects video creators with brands. Create videos for organic social media or paid ads for brands you love. Average of $50 per video.

This is your reminder that the fall and winter holidays are quickly approaching. This means large grocery orders (a.k.a. A profitable side hustle opportunity), are headed your way. Sign up and pick up a couple orders.

This client needs someone to create a Framer website based on a design that’s already been created. Budget of $1,000 to $5,000.

Need experience in editing movies/TV shows and creating trailers and sizzles. The post specifies dates you’d be needed and a required time zone of PST.

Restore is in search of marketing designers, video producers/creators/editors, and a marketing copywriter for Q4.

Want to see a specific type of work? Just let us know.

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Ask the Sidepiece Team

A: Financial freedom means you have enough resources to fund your lifestyle without active work. Typically, you’re still bringing in passive income, whether that be from real estate investments, dividends, ad revenue, or a passive product you sell.

Reaching financial freedom takes time. It won’t happen overnight, and it’s a bit more complicated than we can answer in a few quick sentences here. If you’d be interested in a deep dive into achieving financial freedom, reply to this newsletter and let us know.

See ya next week,
